We are totally freaking out


We just graduated. WE. JUST. GRADUATED!!!!!!!

Here are some thoughts and reflections of our last semester here:

1. Being quarantined with sick children is not for the faint of heart. Meltdowns were bountiful, including (and mostly) yours truly. But guess what? God's provision of grace was sufficient despite the circumstances and despite my failure. The exposure of our neediness and wretchedness and inability to do good in the flesh only exposed the beauty and glory and all-sufficiency of Jesus all the more.

2. "We walk above or sink below our circumstances depending on our focus and confidence…it doesn't matter how deep the waters are if you know how to walk on them."

2. Classes have been incredibly rich and dense and will take a life-time to digest. But it's not about producing good works or performing perfectly, because indeed we cannot and are incapable of doing so. It is the Spirit of God in us that produces those things; all we must do is abide, resting in who God is and who we are in Christ - or as we've been taught here: Be who God declares you to be.

3. We have been in the trenches with our defiant and passionate toddler. It's been exhausting. But the grace of God trains, corrects, disciplines, and chastises us like a child who is growing into maturity, or reaching their full development. These things do not come naturally but are contrary to our sinful nature, but the grace of God is working in us towards maturity to become who we truly are in Jesus Christ. God treats us with great kindness as we fail daily. And we must train our children to be from what they are, to become who they will be.

4. We have been privileged to have heard from many missionary families who have shared godly wisdom and insight. We also got to go to Wayumi, located in Pennsylvania, where we got a taste of what cross-cultural ministry is like. There, we were able to hear from missionaries with first-hand experience in tribal church planting and support work.

There still remains over 1600 people groups without any access to the good news of Jesus Christ. We have learned to be faithful in where God has, while looking forward to each next step.

Which brings me to second part of our excitement:
We have officially been accepted to the Missions Training Center with Ethnos360!!! We will be moving to Roach, Missouri in August and will begin the next part of our training with Ethnos360 for the next two years, where we will be learning more of the practical side of missions, as well as courses like phonetics and linguistics. These are all valuable tools to help us when we are submerged in a new culture and language.

We would love for you all to partner with us in making Christ known among every nation, tribe, people, tongue.
Please pray for us: Pray for us to persevere, patiently enduring all things that we may remain committed and willing to go and do what is outside of our comfort zone. Pray for more laborers to be willing to go out among the harvest, and for the support that is needed to accomplish the task. We are confident in Christ, and know that He gives far more abundantly than we could ever ask.

Additionally, if you are interested in supporting us financially, please contact us or make a commitment to partner with us here.

Thank you all for tracking with us thus far.

Ethnos360 Bible Institute

Ethnos360 Bible Institute