
Hello dear ones, happiest of New Years to you all! This may be long, but just bear with us…

As you all are aware, this past year has been a wild ride for us, and we’ve had to pivot from the direction we were going towards. The 10-plus years of investment and commitment to this ambition and passion the Lord had instilled in us led to us serving in the Philippines for a little over a year. The end goal: to see a thriving church amongst an unreached people group.

Shortly after arriving on the field though, I (Ji) got progressively sick. The symptoms were many and chronic, and every day they increased over time and became more numerous. There are too many to list, and some fairly private, and I do not see the need to belabor the point: after I tried everything within my ability and capacity to get better, I was not getting any better. For a very long time, my everyday thought was, “Maybe tomorrow I’ll be better.” And so it went - maybe, tomorrow, but in the meantime, just keep doing the next thing.

The conclusion of several doctors and specialists, and with two complete workups, was this: my illness was contingent upon the environment. Apparently, my body’s composition is extremely partial to the dry, arid environment of California. And to that my response was….LAME, among many, many, many other emotions. The process of grief to this rather unexpected (to us) circumstance has been exhausting, painful, and extremely humbling. I still can’t quite find the right words to describe the whole journey we’ve had. It’s been a whirlwind of so many conflicting thoughts and emotions. But within just the first three days of arriving back in the States, most of my symptoms were just gone. We were incredibly relieved and thankful that I was just feeling normal, and without much effort, my body was healing and getting better. I am now at a point where I feel completely normal, with the first 5 months of going through the ups and downs of my body healing.

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." ISAIH 55:8-9

My prayers every single day that began in the Philippines when I made the realization I was not getting any better and what that could mean for our ministry overseas: Father, I do not understand. I do not know what to feel. I do not know what to pray. I do not know what to think. I do not know what to do. But You know. You are good. You are in control. You know what’s best for me and our family. Please intercede for us. Please provide for us what only You can provide. Please direct our steps. Because You are good and faithful. I know what is true, and I believe Your truth. But help my unbelief.

AND THE LORD SHOWED UP. He has done what ONLY He could do. He got us back to the States. He provided a home for us to live in and to spend time healing and praying together as a family. And our boys got to see what the church is. Leading up to our big move back, they were asking more about what the church is. When we first arrived in our home, and we walked in and it was fully furnished, and their rooms filled with some of their favorite things, our oldest son said, “Wow Mom, I get it…this is the church.” Tears flooded my eyes as they got to see God using His people, THE CHURCH, to be His provision of abundant grace and generosity.

After 6 months of literal prayer without ceasing and seeking the LORD for His wisdom, discernment, and guidance in our next steps, He has given us clarity in the finest detail. In our hearts, there was great wrestling, as we had to rip out all of our desires and throw it all before Him. And He has been so good and so kind and so faithful.

Our commitment has not changed: to walk with Jesus, make Him known, and serve Him wherever He would have us be. It has been and will always be our commitment.

And where He has us now is in the city of Sunland. We will be parting with Ethnos360, but we will never part from the desire to make Him known to the ends of the earth. Many new opportunities are unfolding before us and we are excited to see what only the Lord can do - draw the lost to Himself. And within a matter of days, God has provided jobs for both Tim and me, both at the same Christian School where our boys are also attending. Tim has also had the opportunity to join a Pastoral Residency with Heart of The Canyons Church where the future looks bright for Tim to become a part of the Church Leadership. It has been a wild ride, and we have been blown away by the LORD’s provision, kindness, and generosity every step of the way.

Beloved ones, thank you for being the face of Christ to us through all of your prayers and generosity towards us. Saying thank you doesn’t seem to really suffice, because indeed we have been speechless and overwhelmed by all of you. His love and His grace has been so evident through you all. Your commitment to Christ has been an encouragement to us that has spurred us on and strengthened us to keep doing the next thing. We pray for each of you, that the Lord would keep you all and hold you fast, and that you all may continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ.

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